Gen Z´s fight for what’s right

You’ve heard of Generation Z, but don’t know what it is? We will give you an overview of the most important topics of Generation Z and what this generation stands for.

Generation Z? Z for Zorro? Zebra? No. Totally wrong. Generation Z refers to the young people of our worldwide community born between 1995 and 2005. The term signifies their typical interest and traits.

Get to know Generation Z a little bit better. Here is an insight into what this generation represents and what they are fighting for.

Work-life separation

For many years the “work-life balance” was an important topic. However, this is no longer what Generation Z is striving for. Their time is most essential to them. Gen Z wants to fulfill themselves and individuality becomes more and more important. This generation is no longer only focused on receiving a high salary, but also on fulfilling themselves and having fun at work. Their own creativity and the contribution of their own ideas must not be neglected. The focus is clearly on striving for a greater sense of purpose in one’s work.

Work life and private life should therefore be strictly separated. Under these conditions, one can no longer speak of a work-life balance, but rather of a work-life separation.

Believe in making a difference

Generation Z still places a lot of value on consumption. However, on responsible consumption.

They are characterized by a high political interest and standing up for protecting the environment. And this is not just since the Friday-for-future movement. Their greatest concern is the ecological future of our planet. At the same time, they also bear responsibility for their own actions. With their loud, tolerant and self-confident manner, they claim attention and motivate others to follow them. Gen Z strongly believes in its abilities to make a change.

Strive for diversity

Although a minority of Gen Z wants to conform. Instead, individuality is the focus. They support diversity and LGBTQ rights.

While 50% still believe in fixed relationship structures. Members of Generation Z claim that typical gender roles are unimportant. Free and more diverse gender roles are making their way into society and being more and more respected.
